Address Number

Address Numbers

Can we find you in an emergency?

How easily can someone find your home? How about at night, or during inclement weather? Imagine knowing that someone desperately needs emergency help, but rescuers have a difficult time locating the home because the address is not properly marked, or the property is partially hidden by trees or other buildings. Unfortunately, this has happened in our community. Responders have all of the necessary equipment to provide help, but sometimes our biggest enemy is poorly marked addresses.
You can help us help you by making sure that your address numbers are displayed in a large, contrasting style on your home and on the street. The Fayetteville Volunteer Fire Department has a program underway to assist responders in finding homes more quickly. The department sells Reflective Address Signs designed to be placed on the mailbox in front of your home. We’ll even install the sign free of charge anywhere in the Fayetteville Fire first due. Just call the FVFD at (717) 352-3131 and we’ll be glad to help you. And, another great benefit to having your address well marked is that deliveries and out of town friends can find their way easily to your home!

Signs are available to anyone, and our firefighters will deliver and install the signs in the Fayetteville Fire first due at no additional charge.

The signs are a potentially life saving addition to your home!

Signs are $10 each.
Call for more information. (717) 352-3131, or download the form here and mail it to us.